
  1. Everything You Need to Know About An EGL Diamond

    Everything You Need to Know About An EGL Diamond

    When buying a diamond, understanding the different certifications and grading standards is...
  2. Asteria's New Android App

    Listen up diamond and Android lovers! We've been on IOS for a...
  3. Diamonds Education - The 4 C's of Diamonds

    Diamonds are classified by four main qualities: Carat (weight), Color, Clarity and...
  4. Fancy Colored Diamonds Market Worldwide: A Look into the Present and Future

    For a more complete and comprehensive understanding of the diamond industry, it...
  5. Introduction to Gemstones

    Background Since the earliest times, gemstones have been a highly valued commodity...
  6. The June Hong Kong Diamond Show

    The June Hong Kong Diamond Show

    The Hong Kong diamond show was a major success! It was a great...
  7. Jewelry Exhibition at The Chinese Businessmen's Teahouse

    Jewelry Exhibition at The Chinese Businessmen's Teahouse

    On May 7th, Asteria Diamonds, The Guangdong International Chamber of Commerce and...

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