Diamonds may look effortless, but there is a long, precise and arduous journey that each diamond undergoes.

After years of training in various fields, diamond cutters must follow a specific set of steps to bring out the diamond’s ultimate potential. The slightest error could make or break the market value and worth of the diamond.

Bringing out the best in each diamond

The first stop on the production line is called marking. It involves a thorough examination of each diamond, noting inclusions and determining the rough.

The most innovative technology used to date is a 3D laser scanner. This scanning process allows the diamond marker to determine the best cuts.

The next step is sawing. What’s fascinating is that while diamonds are the hardest minerals it is actually the powder from the sawing that cuts the diamond. Two diamonds are then taken and rubbed together and this friction helps to shape the diamond.

Oil and diamond powder are added to a special instrument called a scaife, which then spins at a dizzying rate, at thousands of revolutions per minute. This unique process creates four sides which the diamond cutter is then able to split, giving him eight in a square shape.

The next steps are what ensure a brilliant diamond that captures and refracts and reflects light as beautifully as possible. This highly skilled task uses a bruting tool, a similar process to soldering. This polishes the gem to achieve an optimal symmetry.

All this work is worth it, as the diamond remains a timeless article of beauty and luxury.

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